Research & Resources
Intergenerational Engagement: Research Summary (Concordia University, engAGE, ACT for WIN (2019-04)) Why are intergenerational programs important; Intergenerational programs benefit youth by; Recommendations when developing intergenerational programs (6 pages).
Organizations working towards cohesive, inclusive, age-friendly communities
Intergénérations Québec
Their mission: “To promote understanding between generations for the development of an open, inclusive and united society.”
i2i Intergenerational Society
i2i Intergenerational Society was created in 2008 by educators, health care workers, older adults, community, youth and parents (in Canada), to promote intergenerational programs and learning opportunities, and to assist in developing rich and sustainable connections between generations.
LINKages Society
LINKages Society facilitates innovative intergenerational programs and services that encourage involvement, transfer of knowledge, and capitalize on the strengths of youth and seniors to foster strong Alberta communities.
S.K.I.P. Seniors and Kids Intergenerational Programs
SKIP’s School Visitation program brings together students of all ages with nursing/retirement home seniors (Brantford, Ontario). SKIP is a Brantford based non-profit organization that brings value and benefit to our community and it’s most vulnerable citizens, the young and old.
Generations United
Generations United’s mission is to improve the lives of children, youth and older people through intergenerational collaboration, public policies, and programs for the enduring benefit of all. Potential of Multigenerational; facilities and communities.
Beth Johnson Foundation
Beth Johnson Foundation is dedicated to making the UK age-friendly. Working with a network of volunteers, researchers, intergenerational practitioners, and age-specialist partner organizations, we speak up for the rights of older people, and push for change to give everyone the opportunity to enjoy a great later life.
Sages and Seekers
Sages and Seekers strive to combat social isolation and dissolve age-related segregation within our communities, while meeting the universal and compelling need of both young adults and elders to make sense of their lives. This is achieved by the simple art of conversation.
World Health Organization
Fact sheets, position papers, infographics and more, including the Global strategy and action plan on ageing and health 2016-2020.
AGE – Platform Europe
The voice of older persons at EU level. Areas of interest include Older People’s Rights, Socio-Economic Policies, and Age-Friendly Environments.
Creating an Age-Advantaged Community
A Toolkit for Building Intergenerational Communities that Recognize, Engage and Support All Ages. (from Generations United and Met Life, 2016). (20 pages)
Creating Caring Communities
A guide to establishing intergenerational programs for schools, care facilities and community groups • B.C. Care Providers Association. (44 pages)
Aging in the 21st Century
A celebration and a challenge • Video and Report from UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) and Help-Age International.
The Encore Toolkit
A Guide to Intergenerational Practice
A Guide to Intergenerational Practice • Beth Johnson Foundation, 2011. (12 pages)
Global Age-Friendly Cities
Global Age-Friendly Cities : A Guide from the World Health Organization (76 pages)Global Age-Friendly Cities : A Guide from the World Health Organization (76 pages)
Senior Volunteering
Senior Volunteering: Involving and activating seniors in the local community. From eastern Europe, this guide tells you how to organize, manage and promote volunteering for seniors. (20 pages)
Life’s Third Act
An 11-minute video from Jane Fonda, inspiring a fresh look at “old age”.
Intergenerational Programs : Not Just Nice But Necessary September, 2016.
A Future of Purposeful Aging • Quarterly Journal of the Life Planning Network, Summer, 2016, p34.
School-Based Intergenerational Programs, UNESCO Institute for Education, 2001
Community Centres as Intergenerational Contact Zones •Penn State, 2016. (4 pages)