to the WIN Intergenerational Network
“When we care, educate, support, and work together to create opportunities for strengthening our intergenerational bonds, we enable a more just society, for individuals, families, and communities.”
engAGE: Centre for Research on Aging, Concordia University
WIN and its Network adjust programming and activities to respect the current health and safety rules and participants. Contact Network members for their protocols.

Programs & Activities
Learn more about Intergenerational activities in our community.

Our Network
The WIN Network is composed of community organizations and institutions serving people 0 to 100 plus years.

Research & Resources
Learn more about other organizations working towards cohesive, inclusive, age-friendly communities and find relevant articles and research.
Isolation and Loneliness
Scholars suggest that we are experiencing an “epidemic of loneliness.” Indeed, research shows that around one in five Canadians experience some level of loneliness or isolation. The most at-risk group are the elderly due to their lack of mobility and shrinking social networks.
54% people are feeling lonely due to COVID-19.
Studies suggest that loneliness also peaks in adolescence.
Not having enough intergenerational programming was identified as a gap and challenge in social participation among Seniors in NDG.
Benefits of Intergenerational programs show a reduction in loneliness and isolation in all ages.

Intergenerational programs connect diverse groups and networks and help dispel stereotypes. All age groups are less alienated and the community is more connected.
People living alone
Seniors living alone

“Thank you so much WIN! You guys are a big WIN for us!”
–Rana Liu, Community Development Officer, Explorations Learning
The benefits
Intergenerational programs have many benefits for all involved. For Seniors / Older Adults, these include a sense of connection with youth, opportunities to engage with and contribute to the local community, an increased sense of self-worth and decreased sense of isolation.
Younger people develop an increased sense of social, civic and community responsibility, more positive perceptions of older people, and a reduced risk of anti-social behaviours.
There are also innumerable benefits to the broader community when generations come together.
Help us build a resilient community.
We would love to “see” you at our next virtual meeting. Please leave us your name and email address. We will get back to you with more information in the next few days. Thank you!
The benefits of intergenerational exchanges
Older people
- Increased perception of self-worth
- Escape from isolation
- Reintegration in the family and community life
- Respect, honour, and recognition of their contribution to the community
- Increased strength to cope with adversity
Younger people
- Increased sense of worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence
- Less loneliness and isolation
- More positive perception of older persons
- Strength in times of adversity
- Learning of own history and origins and the history of others
Broader community
- Construction of a more inclusive society
- Breaking down of barriers and stereotypes
- Enhanced social cohesion
- Encouragement for people to work with others to strengthen community
- Environmental care